How to Program a SineWave Subbass without Clicks and Pops in Cubase’s Retrologue 2

A smooth, thick and clean Sine Wave Subbass for enhancing the low end.

· 2 min read · by Damjan Prvulović

TL;DR copy these settings:

Retrologue 2 - Sine Wave Subbass
Retrologue 2 - Sine Wave Subbass.
  1. Set the Oscillator 1 to a Sine Wave and transpose it down an octave (16’).
  2. Set the Voice to MONO (optional RETRIGGER), as basses usually feature mono lines.
  3. To prevent clicks and pops at the start and end of a note, the attack and release time must be increased (AMPLIFIER section). This creates a fade-in and fade-out, resulting in a smooth start and end for each note. I like to set both to 40ms.
  4. Note that the above approach does not prevent clicks in legato melody playing. To prevent clicks and pops in legato melody playing, the TRIGGER MODE has to be set to ‘Resume’. This ensures that the signal is resumed at the level of the previous note with the adjusted pitch.

If Resume is selected, the envelope is retriggered, but resumes at the level of the stolen note. The pitch is set to the new note. (refer to Steinberg’s documentation)

  1. In the FILTER section, set the distortion TYPE to ‘Off’ to get a pure sine wave, without any overtones.
  2. Optional: I like to mix in a triangle wave, for some extra ‘bite’ using the 2nd Oscillator. I have set the Oscillator 2 level to 3% in the OSCILLATOR MIX section, but this can be mixed to taste.

Use Case

In an orchestral context aimed at enhancing the low end, the Sine Subbass typically doubles the Double Basses, contributing a subtle, but feelable layer. Mix in the Sine Subbass at a low volume to maintain a balanced and cohesive orchestral sound.